Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Amazing God

It's just amazing how God works!

This weekend we had our Christmas play for church, "The Richest Family in Town", and I had played the role of the mother. And this got me to thinking.....

Just 2 years ago, I first stepped into church, I was terrified. I hated and was scared of meeting new people, going new places, and doing new things! The people that were watching our children for us invited me to go with them, so I went (THANK YOU Sharon and Allen!!) I was so scared and nervous, that I literally hid behind Sharon. Yes, it sounds funny, but its true! Well, I ended up attending regularly with them (whenever I didn't have to work). I have no idea why, I guess it was for my children. But I'm sure it was the Lord pushing me to go.

It was probably 3 or 4 months after I started attending church that I was saved....and that's a story for another time. :) And since then, the Lord has done a miraculous work in me! I hadn't really noticed or even thought about it, I was just following God's leading. Then in Sunday School, Janie reminded me of where I had been and how wonderful it was to see God work in me. I was a scared little lady, hiding behind a friend, and now I was acting in a play, on stage, as one of the leading roles! That's right I said on stage, in front of people...look at what the Lord has done!

We did the play for 2 nights and yes I was nervous the first night, but after the second performance on Sunday, after exiting the stage, I just thought....I just did that, and I was comfortable with it. How Amazing! The Lord called me to do something that was out of my comfort zone, something I had NEVER done before, and I was comfortable with it. I followed God's leading and He provided me with His strength and peace to do what He asked.
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

I also believe that where He leads, He also provides prayer. I know that there were many people praying for the play and for me, but it gave me comfort the first night of the play to know that I was being prayed for. Janie said to me that when the choir wasn't singing she would be praying for me. What a comfort!

I am definitely not the same person I was 2 years ago, I am so much better because of the Lord. I hope that I will always follow His leading.

Thinking about all this the other night, this came to my mind:
I am who I am, because that is who God needs me to be.